The notification filters can be applied to filter the notifications, if a field is leaved empty means that filter will be not considered for filter the notifications.These send only certain notifications, for instance, if you want to get notifications when an order is completed but only when the gateway used was Braintree, the products are digital and their brand is Premium you can set up all those filters.
The filters will depend of the current notification event, for example the Order completed notification will have almost every filter shown in the drawer, on the other hand the Customer created notification will only have the General section of the filters available.
if a field is leaved empty then that filter will be not considered when the notifications are send.
Please check the sections below for more information about the notification filters.
Applies for all events.
Sources (all events): The source of the notificationevent, you can choose Admin, Shop and/or Funnel.
Funnel (all events):
Page (all events): Filter by page, depends on the funnel chosen.
Gateways: Gateway of the orders, you can choose one or more.
Recurrent payments: Enable or disable the recurrent payments (subscriptions).
Order completed.
Approved transaction.
Transaction declined.
Shipping tracking info updated.
Refund applied.
Subscription cancelled.
Product conflicts.
Types: Can Product types, can be physical, digital or both.
Products: Products in specific, can choose one or more.
Shop categories: The categories of the products, you can choose one or more.
Brands: The brands of the products, you can choose one or more.
Order completed.
Approved transaction.
Transaction declined.
Shipping tracking info updated.
Refund applied.
Offers: Can You can choose specifically one or more offer offers in the order.
Brands: The brand or brands for the offers.
Greater than: Filter to get notifications only notifications where when the value is of the products are greater than the value given.
Equals: Filter to get notifications only notifications where when the value is of the products are equals to the value given.
Less than: Filter to get notifications only notifications where when the value is of the products are less than the value given.