Introduction & Previous Concepts
You need to have a WebForce Thiio | Marketing Advertising Software & Sales instance
You need to fill it out the onboarding screen
If your file contains images be sure to check the permissions for the rights to use the images, if you dont have the permisions you will need to unselect the field for the images.
After checking that all the data is correct, you can press continue
If your products have variations you will need to select yes
After clicking
and if everything goes correctly you will have a Toastr Notification about your file is being upload
Depending of the size of your upload this can take several minutes, and you will receive a notification for each batch of 50 products uploaded to the application.
After receiving this notification you just need to refresh your browser or click the products menu to refresh the list of products
Best Result
You will have a list of new products ready to use on the application.
The application will throw an Error and you will need to check if the data is not corrupted.If after checking this you still have an error please contact support@webforcehq.com
Shop and funnel pages