How to configure Slack channel

  1. Go to to create a new slack app, if you are not signed in please click in Sign in to your Slack account.

  2. A login form will show, enter your credentials and follow the steps to sign in.

  3. Once signed in go to to create a new app clicking in Create New App.

  4. Click in From scratch to create a basic app.

  5. Pick a name for your app, choose Thiio in workspace to associate your app, then click in Create App.

  6. You'll be redirected to the settings page for your new app (if you're using an existing app, you can load its settings via your app's management dashboard).

    From here, select Incoming Webhooks, and toggle Activate Incoming Webhooks to on.

  7. Now that incoming webhooks are enabled, the settings page should refresh and some additional options will appear. One of those options is a button called Add New Webhook to Workspace, click it.

    What this button does is trigger a shortcut version of the installation flow for Slack apps, one that is completely self-contained so that you don't have to actually build any code to generate an incoming webhook URL.

  8. Go ahead and pick a channel that the app will post to, then select Allow. If you need to add the incoming webhook to a private channel, you must first be in that channel.

  9. You'll be sent back to your app settings, where you should see a new entry under the Webhook URLs for Your Workspace section. Click in Copy to get the webhook url.

  10. Finally paste the url in the URL field, then click Save.