Automated Reports
With this feature, you will be able to generate several customized data exports using filters and parameters in the system.
The automated reports feature offers the ability to automate these exports, generating them repeatedly based on a set configuration that meets your needs.
This feature is particularly useful when you need to retrieve this data periodically.
Right now you can use this ability on this modules with more to come in the future
To be able to create automated reports, you need to have one of the following roles in the system:
Super Admin
Sales manager
If you need to enable this for a person who does not have any of these roles, you can manually attach the permission to 'Create automated report' under the General module.
Create an automated report
We will use the Orders export as an example, but the same logic will apply to others.
Click on the Advanced Search button.
Select the filters you will apply. If you select a date range, it will be ignored. We will show later how to define it.
Click on the vertical dots.
Click on Create automated report.
You will see a form with the following fields:
Alias: It is a name to identify your automated report.
Period: The period or range of dates that the report will use, the current day is not being considered in this range, you have many options here:
Last 7 days
Last 14 days
Last 30 days
Last week
Last 2 weeks
Last 3 weeks
Last half of the month: It divides the month into 2 periods, from day 1 to 15 and from day 16 to the end of the month. When being calculated the current day is ignored.
Last month
Last 2 months
Last 3 months
Last quarter: The last quarter that has ended.
Custom period: You can define a custom period of days or weeks, if days are selected you can put a maximum of 90, in the case of weeks max allowed range is 12.
Table 1: Examples of periods (range dates) to be used by the report. The range is calculated based on the period type and the run date.
Repeat Period: Here you can define how often the export will be autogenerated, available options are:
Every 2 weeks
Every 3 weeks
Every half of the month
Every 2 months
Every quarter: Run the report every 3 months.
Custom period: Run the report every x days/weeks, you will define the period.
Table 2: Examples of the next run date. The date is calculated based on the type and the current run date. Every half of the month examples will be shown in Table 3.
Start on: The date when the first run will start. This field is not visible if you selected Every half of the month.
After days: If in the repeat period, you selected Every half of the month you need to specify how many days after the current half of the month finishes the report will run. The maximum value is 13.
Table 3: Examples of first run date for every half of month repeat period type. Based on the current date we calculate the end of the current half of the month, then we add the days defined in the after days field.Time delivery range: An estimated time when the report will be scheduled and delivered. This is only an approximation, there could happen some situations where the report is delivered later, for example, the report is too heavy, or the server is handling other heavy processes.
Finally, you will see when the following 4 schedules will be executed along the range of dates to be applied.
Click on save.
Manage automated reports
You can manage the reports that you have created. If you want to see/delete automated reports created by other people, you should have the permission called Manage all automated reports (enabled in Super Admin and Admin roles by default), such permission can be found in the General module when updating employee permissions.
To manage the automated reports, you should follow these steps:
Click on the user icon on the top right of the screen, then click on My automated reports.
If you have the Manage all automated reports this would be your view:
By default, the enabled checkmark indicates that you are watching only records created by you, if you disable it, you will see all the records created.
Additionally, you can filter in the search user field by inputting a user's name.
Also, you can see the user who owns the report in a column.
If you don’t have that permission, your view would be:
You will have the columns:
Alias: The alias to identify the record.
Type: The type of report to generate, it can be Orders or Commissions.
Period: The period selected by you when you created the record.
Repeat: The repeat period selected in the creation form.
Scheduled at: The date of the next schedule.
Executions: The number of successful executions.
Created at: The date when this record was created.
If you click on the 3 vertical dots in the last column, you will see a couple of actions:
If the record has at least 1 execution, you can see the generated reports. If you click on that option, you will see this UI:
Here you can see the creation date, the report name, a button to download the report, and the parameters used to generate it.You can also delete the automated report by selecting Delete, if you delete it the current generated reports will still be available in the My reports section.
Notifications for reports
Like a single data export in the system, when a report is autogenerated, you will receive an email notification and an in-app notification (the bell on the top right section) to download your report.
You will also be notified if the report fails and is not generated. We will try to generate it again in one hour. We only make 2 extra tries. If the report fails 3 times we only schedule the next execution, and you would need to contact support to get more info about why the report was not generated.