Setting Up an Offer

Setting Up an Offer


The purpose of this walkthrough is to help you set up any promotions, subscriptions or any special offers you have on our CRM.


Pre Requisites:

  • A name for your offer

  • Offer Image

  • Price Point 

  • A Funnel page

  • A code


Set up various offers with ease. 

If you haven't already, please check out our videos on the structure of products and offers so you have a good understanding of how to structure your offers. 



Set up various integrations with ease. 


  1. Click on Offerson the left side menu. Here you can view all your current offers


  1. Click the blue plus signto add additional offers

    1. Add your offer name and the brand the offer applies to 

    2. Click save and you will see this screen pop up:

    3. Here you can add: 



  • An image

  • Applicable selling channels 

  • Funnel for offer 

  • Terms & conditions 


  • Once you are happy with your offer, click save 



  • Offer name

  • Offer Image

  • Funnel

  • Price Point