Setting Up Funnel

Setting Up a Funnel 



The purpose of this walkthrough is to help you set up your funnel page or pages.


Pre Requisites:

  • Domain page

  • URL

  • Landing page

  • Cart page

  • Name to your page

  • Product


Set up funnels for your shop with a few simple steps.


  • On the left side menu click Funnels. Click ADD A FUNNEL or the blue plus sign


  • Here you can see steps to set up your funnel:

  • Add a name and choose your domain

  • Choose how members will access the funnel. 

  • After hitting continue you will be taken to this page to decide your funnel flow. You can choose from any of the presets or create from scratch

  • For the purpose of this walkthrough we are using Product Sales

  • Once here choose from 120 different themes that you can customize

  • Once you have chosen this screen will appear to show you the breakdown of your funnel. Once you are good, click save

  • After this you can see your funnel and make adjustments as needed:

  • Clicking the three dots allows you to edit 

  • In another walkthrough, we will go into the funnel more in-depth but this helps you with the basics. 



  • Domain page

  • URL

  • Landing page

  • Cart page

  • Name to your page

  • Product