How to Restrict Max Length of Text Input in Builder Tool

How to Restrict Max Length of Text Input in Builder Tool


The purpose of this walkthrough is to show you how to restrict the length of text input in a funnel inside of the builder tool. 

This will help when you use a particular platform that only allows a certain number of characters per line.


Pre Requisites:

  • Thiio account access

  • Access to funnel builder tool


On the left side menu click Funnels



Click on the 3 dots on the right side of the page then hit "Edit"


Click the "Builder Tool" icon in your Cart page



A new tab will open up where you can start making edits on the cart page from the builder tool



Scroll down till you see the "Complete Checkout" button. Then click slightly to the right of the "Complete Checkout" button in order for the checkout component settings to open up



A box on the right hand side should open up with the "General" settings. Then click on the last setting "Address Advanced" 2 drop down options should appear. Then enable the "Add Max Length" bubble. Lastly insert the number of max characters that you wish.


How to check if it worked:

  1. Run a test transaction 

  2. Then check in your fulfillment, financial, etc platform to make sure it didn't surpass the max characters


  • Access to platform

  • Access to funnels

  • Access to builder tool

  • Check corresponding platform

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