Get access to Control center > Security in Everflow


The purpose of this walkthrough is to show you how to Get access to Control center > Security in Everflow


Pre Requisites:

  • Thiio account


If you cannot see the Security option inside the Control Center menu, your current user does not have that permission enabled.

The easy way to solve this would be to log in with an account with enough permissions to manage Security options.

If you don’t have an account with this permission you would need to do any of these actions:

  • Update the current role of your user and give it access to Security.

  • Create a role and give access to Security, then assign this role to your user.

You should use the main account to do these changes because creating/updating a role is an action that should not be performed by any people.


Update current user role


With this option, you will give this permission to all the people with this role.

  • Go to Control center > My account



  • Here you can see which is the role assigned to you.



  • Now go to Control center > Roles


  • Click on the role to update.


  • Be sure to enable the Security permission with full access.

  • Click on save.

  • Reload your page and now you should see the Security option in the Control Center.


Create a role and assigned it to your user.


  • Go to Control center > Roles


  • Click on +Role


  • In the form give any name to identify the new role, and be sure to enable the Security option with full access, if you want to give all permissions to the role you could check the All permissions field.


  • Click on Add.

  • Go to Control Center > Accounts


  • Click on your user name to update it.


  • Click on edit.


  • Scroll down until you see the Role field, here select your new role and click on Save.


  • If you are logged in with your user, reload the page in the browser and now you would see the Security option.


Check List:

  • Log in to Thiio