Affirm Payment Gateway
The purpose of this walkthrough is help you to set up your Affirm Gateway into the CRM system using the necessary keys and credentials.
Pre Requisites:
An active Affirm account
API Keys
1. Gain your Affirm API Keys
Login to your Affirm’s panel Sandbox or Live
Go to the API Keys option menu
The required keys will be displayed on this section.
2. Setting Up Affirm on Thiio CRM
Go to Settings and click the Gateways option menu
Click on the floating Blue button or “add payment gateway”
Choose Affirm from the options listed and hit "CONFIGURE"
Fill the form with the required information and then click on SAVE button.
Add the new you want
API Keys for live environment (see the Image 1.3)
API Keys for test environment (see the Image 1.3)
Selling channels, that you want to enable this gateway
If you want to relate a Taxes integrations such as Taxjar you could make it in this section
How to verify if the gateway is working:
Perform a live transaction and a test transaction.
Create a Funnel and attach an Affirm Gateway
Enable Affirm gateway on Editor page
Select Affirm as the payment method and click on process order button (you will see a pop up like the following picture)
You will need to have Test keys if you want to perform test transactions.
The required amount for live transactions needs to be greater or equal to 100 usd.
You can add multiple Affirm gateways following the above steps!