Amazon Payment Gateway

Amazon Payment Gateway


The purpose of this walkthrough is help you to set up your Amazon Pay Gateway into the CRM system using the necessary keys and credentials.

Pre Requisites:

  • An active Amazon Pay account

  • API Keys

1. Gain your Amazon Pay API Keys

After following the next steps you’ll obtain:

  • Client ID/ Store ID

  • Client Secret

  • Merchant ID

  • Public Key

  • Private Key

Login to your Amazon Pay panel Sandbox or Live


Go to your Sandbox or Live panel > Client ID/Store ID.


You’ll find Client ID / Store ID and Client secret in this page.


You may need to configure your credentials by completing a form that asks for your store name, description, logo, and allowed URLs.


Go to your Sandbox or Live panel > Integration Central.


At this point, you should have your Client ID/Store ID and Client Secret. In this section, we'll guide you through obtaining the Merchant ID, Public Key, and Private Key.

On this page, ensure that "Self-developed" and "One-time payments" are selected. You can then copy your Merchant ID and create new keys by clicking the "Create keys" button.


On the Create API Keys form, select Generate API credentials, enter a name of your choice (e.g., "Thiio keys"), and then click the “Create keys” button.


After generating your API keys, a .pem file will be downloaded, and your Public Key will be displayed. You can copy the Public Key at this point.


Your Private Key is inside the .pem file mentioned earlier. Since it is a text file, you can open it with your preferred text editor.


Downloaded .pem file

Open the file and copy its contents, this is your Private key.

Content of the .pem file

Awesome! Now you have all 5 credentials. Please keep them confidential and do not share them with others. If you plan to accept Amazon Pay payments from multiple parties or integrations, ensure you generate a separate pair of public/private keys for each one.

2. Setting Up Amazon Pay on Thiio CRM

Go to Settings and click the Gateways option menu

Click on the floating Blue button or “add payment gateway”


Choose Amazon Pay from the options listed and hit "CONFIGURE"


Fill the form with the required information and then click on SAVE button.

  1. Add the name you want for the gateway

  2. API Keys for live environment

  3. Selling channels, that you want to enable this gateway

  4. API Keys for test environment

  5. If you want to relate a Taxes integrations such as Taxjar you could make it in this section


How to verify if the gateway is working:

  • Create a Funnel and attach an Amazon Pay Gateway by going to the Settings tab. Select Amazon Pay from the dropdown list and enable it as an Express Payment Method by clicking the corresponding switch.

  • Enable Express Checkout on Editor page. It should show the Express Checkout buttons at the top of the component.
    Save and publish your changes.

  • On the published cart page, click the Amazon Pay Express Checkout button. A pop-up window should appear, similar to the one shown here:

  • If you are in sandbox mode, log in with a test account. For live tests, log in with your Amazon Pay account.

    You will be redirected to your checkout page, where Contact Information, Billing Address, Shipping Address, and Payment Method will be prefilled using your Amazon Pay account information.

  • Select the offer you’d like to test and click Process Order. If you are processing a subscription, a confirmation for the recurring charge will be displayed.

    After completing the payment on Amazon Pay’s side, you’ll be redirected back to the checkout page where the order will be processed. Finally, you will be redirected to the configured next page.


In this example, the checkout flow concludes on the checkout confirmation details. However, you can redirect customers to upsell pages and continue using Amazon Pay as the payment method.



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