How Do I Add a User?

Add Employees, Customers, and Leads



The purpose of this walkthrough is to help you add new Users to your Thiio CRM account


Pre Requisites:

  • Employee full Name and email.

  • Employee Role (tasks)


  • Click on Contacts on the left-hand side and you will see a drop-down with Employees, Customers, Leads



  • Click on Employees



  • Click the plus sign at the right corner of the page to add a new employee


  • Type in the first name, last name, and email address and click continue
    Generate a secure password for who you are adding into the system


  • Choose the role you want yourself or you employee to have


  • Roles to choose:

    • Super Admin

    • Sales Manager

    • Marketing Manager

    • Customer Service Manager

    • Admin

    • Sales

    • Marketing

    • Customer Service


  • Once you have chosen the role hit SAVE

  • Click on Customers


  • Follow the same steps you did to add an employee:

    • Type in full name and email address

    • Generate secure password

    • Click Save


  • Click on Leads



  • Click the blue plus sign to add new lead

    • Type in full name and email address

    • Click Save



  • Employee full Name and email.

  • Employee Role (tasks)