API documentation
- 1 Authentication
- 1.1 Login
- 1.1.1 Request
- 1.1.2 Header parameters
- 1.1.3 Body parameters
- 1.1.4 Response
- 1.2 Check user logged in
- 1.2.1 Request
- 1.2.2 Header parameters
- 1.2.3 Response
- 1.1 Login
- 2 Triggers
- 2.1 Subscribe
- 2.1.1 Request
- 2.1.2 Header parameters
- 2.1.3 Path parameters
- 2.1.4 Body parameters
- 2.1.5 Response
- 2.2 Unsubscribe
- 2.2.1 Request
- 2.2.2 Header parameters
- 2.2.3 Path parameters
- 2.2.4 Response
- 2.3 Perform list
- 2.3.1 Request
- 2.3.2 Header parameters
- 2.3.3 Path parameters
- 2.3.4 Response for customers
- 2.3.5 Response for orders
- 2.3.6 Response for shippings
- 2.3.7 Response for subscriptions
- 2.3.8 Response for surveys
- 2.3.9 Response for transactions
- 2.3.10 Response for transaction-histories
- 2.1 Subscribe
- 3 Actions
- 3.1 Create lead with customer note
- 3.1.1 Request
- 3.1.2 Header parameters
- 3.1.3 Body parameters
- 3.1.4 Response
- 3.2 Create shipping tracking info update
- 3.2.1 Request
- 3.2.2 Header parameters
- 3.2.3 Path parameters
- 3.2.4 Body parameters
- 3.2.5 Response
- 3.3 Create subscription cancelation
- 3.3.1 Request
- 3.3.2 Header parameters
- 3.3.3 Path parameters
- 3.3.4 Response
- 3.4 Create lead with order note
- 3.4.1 Request
- 3.4.2 Header parameters
- 3.4.3 Body parameters
- 3.4.4 Response
- 3.1 Create lead with customer note
Zapier authentication.
Zapier login.
POST /api/login
Header parameters
Parameter | Value |
Accept STRING Required |
Body parameters
Parameter | Value |
STRING Required | The email of the user E.g. admin@thiio.com |
password STRING Required | The password for the email E.g. 123456789 |
integration STRING Required |
200 OK
"data": {
"user": {
"token": "eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiJ9.eyJhdWQiOiIxIiwianRpIjoiNDUxMzA2YTkzZDYzY2Q3MTdhNTdmNTNkYjY3MDkxNDgzZDNjMzEyYmMyMTEyMGM5M2IyYWM3ZjJhODkyNjAzOTE1NDBlYzVmMmIxZGFlYWQiLCJpYXQiOjE3MjM1NzkzODAuNzYxNzc2LCJuYmYiOjE3MjM1NzkzODAuNzYxNzgxLCJleHAiOjE4ODEzNDU3ODAuNzM1MzQzLCJzdWIiOiIxIiwic2NvcGVzIjpbXX0.d4fwmsSomnRsDv7l1Ly86D8hlpz2RHPbq37bOuj7Qf_ngoVw3ffe_vbuqI0nQ0tqD6fy5Cqdcycevk3mr52SpcY0hiuDwBHW50w1qSbheKGIYtQOLqA7pNzaAWa5UWFTRQmja1FxZpGq_Iwp3IPztHgM_zTcSGgsclrbn7NT69sGw04hbGxkr2p_q5vMjUyUaC0XSLq5cIcKNPTnna_oVJdN4_gf4G6Q4lNfij5FdE5FZSohnX2r5IrfSgoZdX42jJIsT6SI1vcIrDkqvNDU1XWcE2H1epRQJtcm9a7zvuxWMaQdJIw3Ih7UNe7FRewtxCsQUSgALRkyuZLnhhhKgFtcS-Vx0dY6Mk3sijvpeW4ruYTxuyI85g5E4MFwlQcbYpHLLzWSCLLQqtaiqTXuR94cWyIv0Eyz1td3bLa-26ki9d-zChzkMtze-oO48dPshw1zEIpWeUuE1MnwQ7cqgDLreKtcwKsGxNh5ZcuA0OW7I2Ai6kgMDOX7MNG9DFuOU7YI1qi3KvZtSFxd1C6BRXHzcDIHeJcT_-FC996kg46kNeVW5F7U-bpAFdKoXDPw5sP93KmDv7KVoOCxWjHDLKtlw_l2KnYwLvf4dyiQOxqB0m8SVZUF9dTdRfPgwfIfLAS5iBFzmCNzclk-wKVXiuFULykDAlk4t3Vg9xYFEa8",
"expires": 1881345780,
"setup_finished": true,
"integration_uuid": "92e1234af-d123-4ece-b222-54a1437x4831a"
Check user logged in
Zapier check user logged.
get /api/check
Header parameters
Parameter | Value |
Accept STRING Required |
Authorization STRING Required | Base 64 encoded string containing the |
All triggers use same endpoint for subscribe and unsubscribe.
post /api/integrations/{integration_uuid}/channels
Header parameters
Parameter | Value |
Accept STRING Required |
Authorization STRING Required | Base 64 encoded string containing the |
Path parameters
Parameter | Value |
integration_uuid STRING Required | The uuid of integration for system notifications, this value is sent by the Login endpoint. |
Body parameters
Parameter | Value |
url STRING Required | Zapier webhook url stored in |
method STRING Required |
alias STRING Required | Alias for the trigger in Thiio, the value should be like this |
event STRING Required | Event for trigger in Thiio, posible values:
200 OK
"data": {
"id": "716fcaa4-4554-449a-aa85-cc75f24ebb77",
"metadata": {
"alias": "Zapier - Transaction declined",
"method": "zapier",
"url": "https:\/\/hooks.zapier.com\/hooks\/standard\/19665925\/e47c7eefa5ed47d59379c29158b96c67\/",
"event": "transaction-declined"
"message": "Integration Channel created"
delete /api/channels/{id}
Header parameters
Parameter | Value |
Accept STRING Required |
Authorization STRING Required | Base 64 encoded string containing the |
Path parameters
Parameter | Value |
id STRING Required | Zapier subscribe id stored in |
200 OK
"message": "Integration Channel deleted",
"data": null
Perform list
get /api/zapier/{list}
Header parameters
Parameter | Value |
Accept STRING Required |
Authorization STRING Required | Base 64 encoded string containing the |
Path parameters
Parameter | Value |
list STRING Required | Posible values
Response for customers
200 OK
"first_name": "krista",
"last_name": "durgan",
"email": "durganfb5a8jf3@gmail.com",
"id": 1,
"url": "http://koelpin.net/temporibus-sit-et-et-incidunt",
"type": "customer",
"date": "2024-08-12",
"customer_since": "2024-08-12T22:31:00Z",
"lifetime_value": 0,
"activations_count": 0
Response for orders
Response for shippings
Response for subscriptions
Response for surveys
200 OK
"title": "Survey recusandae sint tempora voluptatibus modi",
"description": "Laudantium repudiandae est ea corporis.",
"take": "once",
"capture_name": true,
"capture_phone": true,
"capture_at_end": true,
"status": true,
"start_question_id": null,
"lead_capture": "at_end",
"metadata": {
"end": {
"x_position": 890,
"y_position": 100
"start": {
"x_position": 100,
"y_position": 100
Response for transactions
Response for transaction-histories
Create lead with customer note
POST /api/zapier/store-customer-order
Header parameters
Parameter | Value |
Accept STRING Required |
Authorization STRING Required | Base 64 encoded string containing the |
Body parameters
Parameter | Value |
event |
source |
contact object Required | The contact object |
contact.email STRING Required | The customer email E.g. customer@thiio.com |
contact.first_name STRING Required | The customer first name E.g. John |
contact.last_name STRING Required | The customer last_name E.g. Doe |
phone object Required | The phone object |
phone.country STRING Required | The customer phone country code E.g. US |
phone.number STRING Required | The customer phone number E.g. +17723611127 |
200 OK
"event": "customer",
"source": "zapier",
"contact": {
"email": "customer@thiio.com",
"last_name": "Doe",
"first_name": "John"
"phone": {
"country": "US",
"number": "+17723611127"
Create shipping tracking info update
PUT /api/zapier/update-shipping-tracking-info/{shipping_uuid}
Header parameters
Parameter | Value |
Accept STRING Required |
Authorization STRING Required | Base 64 encoded string containing the |
Path parameters
Parameter | Value |
shipping_uuid STRING Required | The uuid of the shipping to update. |
Body parameters
Parameter | Value |
carrier STRING Required | Carrier of the shipping E.g. dhl |
tracking_number STRING Required | Tracking number of shipping E.g. 123 |
200 OK
"id": "7862121f-b903-43bf-ae31-d77ecd585f12",
"carrier": "dhl",
"tracking_number": "123",
"tracking_url": null,
"external_id": null,
"created_at": "2024-07-30 12:12:16",
"order_id": "cd500928-4f8d-415a-bf57-07f8cd73c86d",
"order": {
"id": "cd500928-4f8d-415a-bf57-07f8cd73c86d",
"number": 114,
"type": null,
"source": "admin",
"env": "test",
"receipt_sent_at": "2024-07-30 11:50:44",
"is_shippable": true,
"subtotal_pre_tax": 675,
"shipping_pre_tax": 27,
"subtotal": 675,
"discount": 0,
"shipping": 27,
"taxes": 0,
"total": 702,
"metadata": null,
"recurrent": false,
"payment_method": null,
"coupon": null,
"created_at": "2024-07-30 11:50",
"shipping_overwritten": false,
"lucas_call_sid": null
Create subscription cancelation
post /api/zapier/subscriptions/{subscription_uuid}/cancel
Header parameters
Parameter | Value |
Accept STRING Required |
Authorization STRING Required | Base 64 encoded string containing the |
Path parameters
Parameter | Value |
subscription_uuid STRING Required | The uuid of the subscription to cancel. |
200 OK
"id": "e7df6809-2917-4cd6-b368-2bb8080a3b8c",
"env": "test",
"coupon": null,
"plan": {
"id": "02f8c19b-527b-4100-9586-b6b399913724",
"name": "Plan for Product Physical with Variations and Plans ",
"period": "biweekly",
"quantity": 1,
"trial_days": 0,
"type": "service_drip"
"product_variation_plan": {
"id": "3c305af7-e10e-4868-8846-939151e7f59c",
"unit_price": 571,
"shipping_price": 14,
"amount": 585
"current_plan_intervals": 1,
"product": {
"id": "ed2ba3c2-18fd-431b-8619-881c3c981901",
"name": "Product Physical with Variations and Plans ",
"type": "physical",
"has_variations": true,
"main_image": {
"conversions": {
"sm": "https://webassets.dev/img/products/physical.svg"
"url": "https://webassets.dev/img/products/physical.svg"
"product_variation": {
"id": "e357e7c5-4e01-40f8-92f5-89872e4c41f5",
"name": "Color RED",
"sku": "80mWJdRse3d",
"main_image": null
"status": "canceled",
"amount": 585,
"on_grace_period": false,
"period_started_at": "2024-07-30 00:00:00",
"accessible_until": "2024-08-15 23:59:59",
"next_payment_date": null,
"created_at": "2024-07-30 14:26:46",
"updated_at": "2024-07-30 14:39:02",
"metadata": null
Create lead with order note
POST /api/zapier/store-customer-order
Header parameters
Parameter | Value |
Accept STRING Required |
Authorization STRING Required | Base 64 encoded string containing the |
Body parameters
Parameter | Value |
event |
source |
contact object Required | The contact object |
contact.email STRING Required | The customer email E.g. john.doe@thiio.com |
contact.first_name STRING Required | The customer first name E.g. John |
contact.last_name STRING Required | The customer last_name E.g. Doe |
phone object Required | The phone object |
phone.country STRING Required | The customer phone country code E.g. US |
phone.number STRING Required | The customer phone number E.g. +15124713434 |
billing_address object Required | The billing address object |
billing_address.first_name STRING Required | The billing address first name E.g. John |
billing_address.last_name STRING Required | The billing address last_name E.g. Doe |
billing_address.line1 STRING Required | The billing address line 1 E.g. 11801 Stonehollow Drive |
billing_address.line2 object Required | The billing address line 2 E.g. Line 2 |
billing_address.city STRING Required | The billing address city E.g. Austin |
billing_address.state STRING Required | The billing address state E.g. TX |
billing_address.zip_code STRING Required | The billing address zip code E.g. 78758 |
billing_address.country STRING Required | The billing address country E.g. US |
shipping_address object | The shipping address object |
shipping_address.first_name STRING | The shipping address first name E.g. John |
shipping_address.last_name STRING | The shipping address last_name E.g. Doe |
shipping_address.line1 STRING | The shipping address line 1 E.g. 11801 Stonehollow Drive |
shipping_address.line2 object | The shipping address line 2 E.g. Line 2 |
shipping_address.city STRING | The shipping address city E.g. Austin |
shipping_address.state STRING | The shipping address state E.g. TX |
shipping_address.zip_code STRING | The shipping address zip code E.g. 78758 |
shipping_address.country STRING | The shipping address country E.g. US |
order object Required | The order object |
order.id integer Required | The order id E.g. 123 |
order.type STRING Required | The order type E.g. Doe |
order.user_id integer Required | The order user id E.g. 10 |
order.date string Required | The order date E.g. 2024-08-14 |
order.shipping number Required | The order shipping E.g. 10 |
order.taxes STRING Required | The order taxes E.g. 10 |
order.total STRING Required | The order total E.g. 120 |
order.items object Required | The order items object
order.items.name STRING Required | The order item name E.g. Product 1 |
order.items.title STRING Required | The order item title E.g. Product 1 red |
order.items.quantity STRING Required | The order item quantity E.g. 1 |
order.items.price STRING Required | The order item price E.g. 50 |
200 OK
"success": true,
"msg": "received successfully",
"err": "",
"data": {
"event": "order",
"source": "zapier",
"contact": {
"first_name": "John",
"last_name": "Doe",
"email": "john.doe@thiio.com"
"phone": {
"country": "US",
"number": "+15124713434"
"billing_address": {
"first_name": "John",
"last_name": "Doe",
"line1": "11801 Stonehollow Drive",
"line2": "line two",
"city": "Austin",
"state": "TX",
"zip_code": "78758",
"country": "US"
"shipping_address": {
"first_name": "John",
"last_name": "Doe",
"line1": "11801 Stonehollow Drive",
"line2": "line two",
"city": "Austin",
"state": "TX",
"zip_code": "78758",
"country": "US"
"order": {
"id": 123,
"type": "success",
"user_id": 10,
"date": "2024-08-14",
"shipping": 10,
"taxes": 10,
"total": 120,
"items": [
"name": "Product one",
"title": "Product one Red",
"quantity": 1,
"price": 50
"name": "Product two",
"title": "Product two White",
"quantity": 1,
"price": 50